Louis Vuitton, the 150 years old luxury goods company has never cease to amaze me season after season with their trend setting fashions and luxurious handbags & accessories. I just received an email from Louis Vuitton announced the introduction of the “Mon Monogram” service. The service will allow you to customize your Louis Vuitton bag, ending up with over 200 million possible combinations on your bag of choice. The selection of bags includes the iconic Speedy, historic Keepall travel bag, or the Pegase 55 wheeled cabin case.
Click on the media player below to see a video from Louis Vuitton's
Since I was 16 years old, I’ve always LOVE Louis Vuitton! And now having the options to personalized my own Louis Vuitton bag is a dream comes true! Having a personalized bag will definitely makes your bag stand out in the crowd compared to others. I personally will only get the carry-on size bags like the Keepall and Pegases rolling luggage, because why would you want to check-in your luscious Louis Vuitton bags under a plane and they will just throw it around and ruin the bag!? I would certainly only carry it onto the airplane or take it in my car for weekend
get aways.
Click on the media player below to see a video from Louis Vuitton's
Since I was 16 years old, I’ve always LOVE Louis Vuitton! And now having the options to personalized my own Louis Vuitton bag is a dream comes true! Having a personalized bag will definitely makes your bag stand out in the crowd compared to others. I personally will only get the carry-on size bags like the Keepall and Pegases rolling luggage, because why would you want to check-in your luscious Louis Vuitton bags under a plane and they will just throw it around and ruin the bag!? I would certainly only carry it onto the airplane or take it in my car for weekend
get aways.
Pietro Beccari, Louis Vuitton Senior Vice-President comments:
“We are delighted to announce the launch of Mon Monogram on louisvuitton.com. For more than 150 years, this company has united tradition and innovation, and there is no better example than this initiative, which brings one of Louis Vuitton’s historic services – personalization – into the digital era. It is another great reason to explore louisvuitton.com”
Click on the media player below to see a video of the possibilities of your creations
Here is what my personalized Louis Vuitton Bags looks like! super chic!
So are you ready to create a couple of your very own personalized Louis Vuitton? you can click here visit (Personalize your Louis Vuitton) to begin the fun !
Untill next time, be well & look fabulous !
Alan + Mei-Mei the Pug :-)
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